Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Post-prandial" is now a fightin' word. . .

I was a medical transcriber in a previous lifetime (like 40 years ago) so I have known this word for a long time.

DH only learned of it recently in connection with his diabetes.  Earlier tonight I happened to make a remark about "Post-prandial sleepiness" after a wonderful supper.  DH responded angrily - "Every time you use that word, I feel like you are poking at me for eating too much!!"

EXCUUUUUSE ME???  It's just a fancy medical word that means "after eating."  There is absolutely NO judgement tied into it, either overt or covert.  What the heck?  Does diabetes trip over into Paranoia-land sometimes, too???


  1. Sometimes, I have to wonder if it doesn't! Does your husband react out of all proportion to other things as well? Mine sure does. It's as if he's looking for an excuse to get angry, but then the anger doesn't make sense in regard to what just happened.

  2. Good point. He has over-reacted for YEARS to things that strike me as absolutely pointless. I can't tell you how many times he has gone into Pre-launch and Ignition Mode over the dumbest things. I'll just look at the kids as the liftoff sequence starts with a 'What the Heck???" kind of look, and they will look back at me, equally bewildered.

    I think that over the years, we have all come to accept that this is just Dad's Standard Behavior, Especially When Tired. The crabbiness is pretty standard; the paranoia is a new wrinkle and I would just as soon nip THAT one in the bud before it gets too much more entrenched.
